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Showing posts from January, 2013

Our Progress Wedding in end Jan 2013

Even majlis boleh dikatakan lama lagi,Tapi I memng tak boleh duduk diam untuk think for the best for our wedding.So, AlhamdulilAllah .Thank You Allah.Dalam kerisauan yang teramat sangat sebab belum dapat any interview call and good respond for any vacancies, a few things that we target to plan in the end of january was settled.Thank You Hencik Captain yang banyak membantu...... This is the things that we manged to settle it: DIY PROJECT: Button Badge+Design for TQ tag+Label in Dewan+Proops for candy Booth and PhotoBooth+Design for Button+Sticker yassin Design+Banner+Wedding Card+ Bunting=All Done!! Yey..:) Button Badge: For the Button Badge I plan to DIY by myself.So I searching and I found Sis Suria blog on How to DIY button Badge.So I apa lagi terus email suria macama mana nak dapatkan button badge kosong.After one day she replied my email and next after day we discussed,  I got the button badge from her.Luckily her sister keje kat area giant Shah Alam.So memang I ...

Our Wedding Progress Jan= 2013!!!

AlhamdulilAllah..syukur.Again Allah love is great.Im almost done and completed my Master.Thank You Allah.Now hunting for the job.Usaha-Usaha-Usaha-Doa-Doa-Tawakal.Trust on Allah Honestly its quite a long time not update Blog.Sorry Readers (Do I have a readers)...tett. Wow.Now already in the mid of January....(Nerbes owhk) .Tapi I rasa now dah boleh tarik nafas lega sikit  sebab  impotant  things already book with the deposit..and  now need a justification and clarification. AlhamdulilAllah In the first week of Jan before Hencik Captain attend  his lcourses at Mentakab for 3 month we managed to settled it fit to our budget.AlhamdulilAllah Our Wedding still in Progress..InsyALLAH..We will make it.. Dewan=Booked  Catering = 1500 guest (RM 9 per head) Actually booking catering is one of the challenging things owhk,but i guess its a valuable experienced for us juga. Just imagine for catering  sahaja kami took 2 days to decide t...